Here are manufactured since 1993 frames and picture hanging systems.
Neumann picture frame is a private company and was founded in 1993 by Wieland Neumann. At first only we produce wooden frames in standard sizes. Soon, production was expanded, and it came to plastic and aluminum frame and frameless frame clips.
Sincetheturn of the century, production hasexpandedmore and more.Therearenowproducing alltypes of frames.Themainfocus isstillin the production oftimberframe.In 2011,approximately250m froma new warehousewas builtwith600m2 offloor space.Thenew warehousewithabout 350palletsreduces deliverytimes considerably.Thispicture framecanbe storedonfourfloor levels.So itis possible for ustodeliverevengreaterquantitiesquicklyandexpand our productrangeconsiderably.As a verypopular productinpicture railsfor flexiblepicturehangershavebeen established.Hereweoffer a widerange ofgalleryrailsandaccessories such asperlonropesand adjustablehook.
14.08.2012, 08:18
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